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BAC | Parent Conversation Resources

Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center at The Ohio State University

  • Our goal is to make talking about careers low-pressure and enjoyable! As a parent/caregiver to a middle schooler, you are the biggest influence on your child’s career development. Middle school is the best time for your child to explore their strengths and interests and to learn about how those can relate to careers. The series of conversation starters below were designed for you to use any time of day: in the car, at the dinner table, or any time that is convenient. By asking your child questions in these three areas of career development, you can help them begin to think about the future!

Delaware Area Career Center

  • Parents can have a great influence over their children’s career choices. Essentially, it is parents who have the
    best knowledge of their child and his/her interests and abilities. This is a guide for parents to encourage conversations with their student(s) around career readiness.