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Now Hiring for Job Positions throughout Central Ohio
The ESC is now hiring for educator positions, including intervention specialists, teaching assistantsand more in schools throughout the Central Ohio region - some of which now include a $1500 hiring incentive. For more information regarding incentive eligibility, please see here.

Community School Sponsorship

Community School Sponsorship

The ESC of Central Ohio (ESC) has a contract with the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce to sponsor community schools (also known as charter schools) in Ohio. The ESC is committed to the priority of quality sponsorship. We have been rated an effective school sponsor, earning the highest ratings possible in quality practices and compliance oversight by the state - and we are proud to sponsor six community schools. Those schools are listed below with a dropdown option showing additional school details.  

See Applicant Update for latest information. The application window is currently closed.

The Community School Department’s mission is to monitor each of its community schools through quality sponsorship for the benefit of students in each of the sponsored schools. Although sponsoring is a small part of the ESC’s portfolio, it is dedicated to best practices for effective school choice options for parents, as supported by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) and has the following goals*:
  • Education: To monitor and assess the goals of the Education Plan of the sponsorship agreement, aligning them with the Assessment and Accountability Plan.
  • Governance: To monitor and assist with governance compliance.
  • Finance: To monitor and provide feedback for fiscal viability and sustainability, providing intervention if needed.
  • Accountability: To monitor and evaluate legal compliance as well as areas of the contract.
  • Technical Assistance: To provide technical assistance in all aspects of successful school programming.
* Intervention provided in any goal area when needed.

ESC-Sponsored Community Schools & Annual Reviews/Annual Performance Reports

Graham Elementary and Middle School*

* Effective July 1, 2017, Graham Primary School and Graham Expeditionary Middle School officially merged into one school.  The new name for this K-8 school is Graham Elementary and Middle School.  The school remains in the same building.

140 E. 16th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201

James Kutnow

Governing Board
Kitty King
Howard Lipkin
Ari Pompas
Joyce Swayne
Jim Ziminski

Maritime Academy of Toledo (6-12)*

*Effective July 1, 2020, The Maritime Academy of Toledo will serve grades 6-12.  The school previously served grades 5-12.  This grade level change has been approved by both the school governing authority and the sponsor board. 
803 Water Street
Toledo, Ohio 43604

Bill Davis
Kate Fineske
Tim Goligoski
Joy Goodner
Jim Hartung
Paul Hubbard
Keith Jordan